In regards to progression and post-college plans I wish to go on to study journalism in university, which will then lead to a job in sport journalism, in which I would actively report on on professional sporting news and events. In order to pursue this career I have researched that I would need to further study journalism at a bachelors or master level in order to ensure I am academically well equipped for the profession. I have selected this course due to having an interest in the media and the way it impacts and shapes society as well as a passion for sport, as I chose to play football in my spare time and actively follow said sport. I read a lot of Newspapers and articles about sports these would be like from 'The Sun' and many more. I also watch a lot of sports journalism, this being watching football matches to match highlights, interviews ext, the reason for this is that it give me a more indepth feeling to the sport and also to the viewer and audience. The reason of Sp...