Are We Becoming Addicted To Social Media?

Write a short case study of one of the web 2.0 services (Youtube, Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Snap)

  • Do you think this service can become addictive for users? Explain why?
  • In what ways are they interactive?
  • How do they depend on user generated content from prosumers? (define both terms) Is this good or bad?
  • How do they make money?
  • What are the pros and cons of using the service?

Services like Youtube, Soundcloud, Facebook ext can be very addictive, While social media was becoming popular, the internet also became more widely used, cheaper to access, and faster to load content. The rise of mobile phones with internet capabilities and mobile internet also made it easier for social media to be available wherever you go, and regardless of whatever you’re doing. Thanks to the popularity of social media, you can constantly and instantaneously update your network about what you’re eating, what you’re wearing, and who you’re with. This is why it has become addictive, people have the need to show everyone what they are doing ext. 

They are interactive, in ways they help people, for example the news, we can now check the news on our phones, the weather also, people check the weather on their phones due to it being more easy. 


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