Smashing Stereotypes
Gillette 1989/2019- Masculinity Traditional Vs Contemporary representation of masculinity Future Audience - Changing brand image #MeToo Movement - Global Cultural shift in gender politics - Harvey Weinstein accusation lead to a conversation about what constitutes harassment. What is Masculinity? Male Roles Male Behaviour What people expect from a Male Tough Hard Working Breadwinner What is Femininity? - Equal Rights and Equality Female Roles Female Behaviour Housewife Soft Emotional Weak Key Concepts Re: Gender Sex is a system of classification based on a combination of biological and physiological factors (generally male or female) Gender refers to the culture meaning that is ascribed to a person's sed (generally labeled masculine or feminine) The media and its influence on gender stereotypes From an early age, children are socialised...
There is some analysis of how she is objectified with some examples given of the music video. Theory points are appropriate. You could have thought further about how the video might be seen as post-feminist.